Posted in 2021
Tier-1 Info Session cutoff 1 2022
- 21/12/2021
On 14 January 2022 at 12:30-13:30 VSC will organize an online Info Session on writing a Tier-1 project.
New GPU nodes in Hydra
- 16/12/2021
We’re happy to announce that 6 new GPU nodes have been added to Hydra. They are equipped with the latest generation of NVIDIA GPUs: the Ampere A100.
AlphaFold 2.1.1 available in Hydra
- 15/12/2021
We are pleased to announce the availability of AlphaFold v2.1.1 in Hydra. This recent release of AlphaFold has been installed for our top of the line Nvidia A100 GPUs with 40 GB of memory.
System update in Hydra
- 10/12/2021
Warning We are carrying out a routine update of the operating system in Hydra. The nodes will be progressively updated without impacting running jobs, but queue times during the roll out might be longer.
2021-fall on-premise Linux Training Session
- 15/10/2021
We are pleased to announce our next on-premise Linux training session, in cooperation with the Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum (VSC).
2021-fall on-premise HPC Training Session
- 15/10/2021
We are pleased to announce our next on-premise HPC training session, in cooperation with the Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum (VSC).
Slurm Q&A Sessions
- 04/10/2021
We are pleased to announce the Q&A sessions for Slurm from the VUB-HPC team:
Migration of Hydra to Slurm
- 04/10/2021
The HPC team is proud to announce one of the biggest improvements for Hydra in recent years and certainly one of the most impactful for its users. Hydra is replacing its job scheduler for the Slurm Workload Manager.
VSC Lunch Session on A.I.
- 17/09/2021
On October 7th, VSC is launching its first Lunch Session on artificial intelligence
, i.e. the ability of a machine to display human-like capabilities such as reasoning, learning, planning and creativity.
Update of the MPI stack in Hydra
- 15/09/2021
The job scheduler in Hydra will be put on pause on Thursday, 16th September from 20:00 to 22:00. We will perform minor updates to the MPI stack in foss
and intel
toolchains. Running jobs will not be affected and users will be able to continue submitting jobs to the queue during the pause.
New documentation for SRA-Toolkit
- 24/08/2021
We have added a section for SRA-Toolkit to our documentation. This new documentation extends the list of instructions for specific software, which already covers 14 different applications.
Migration of Globus accounts
- 23/07/2021
We are very soon going to migrate all VSC accounts from the old
domain to
. This change impacts users that have already used Globus services. Data access in Globus will not be affected, but if you want to keep your existing bookmarks and personal endpoints in Globus, you need to take action as soon as possible.
Urgent system update in Hydra
- 22/07/2021
Login nodes updated successfully. The system update for the rest of the nodes continues as planned.
TensorFlow 2.5.0 is available in Hydra
- 19/07/2021
The last stable version of TensorFlow is now installed in Hydra. You can load TensorFlow v2.5.0 with the following modules:
ORCA 5.0.0 is available in Hydra
- 07/07/2021
The recent major release of ORCA version 5.0.0 is now installed in Hydra. You can load it with the module ORCA/5.0.0-gompi-2021a
CSC Autumn courses for LUMI
- 06/07/2021
The national supercomputer centre of Finland (CSC) in collaboration with PRACE is planning a series of courses in Autumn to teach the necessary development skills for the future users of the upcoming LUMI supercomputer. The initial courses are mainly oriented to programmers, as LUMI is first and foremost a machine to explore exascale technologies and hence new software. Nonetheless, there will also be a course program for non-developer users once LUMI becomes online starting early next year.
Rolling system updates
- 14/06/2021
Warning On Tuesday June 15 at 20:00 the login nodes will be unavailable for 30 minutes.
User survey 2021
- 28/04/2021
We have published the results of our yearly user survey, conducted in February 2021. Feedback from users’ experiences in Hydra adds valuable insight into their needs, what works well, and what needs further improvement.

OneDrive Client in Hydra
- 26/04/2021
We have improved the recommended usage of the OneDrive client in Hydra. Check the FAQ in the link below.
VSC Tier-1 Cloud Launch Event
- 20/04/2021
On May 20th 2021, VSC is launching its Tier-1 Cloud component and it’s a pleasure to invite you to this event!
2021-winter Online HPC Training Session
- 26/01/2021
We are pleased to announce our next online HPC training session, in collaboration with the Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum (VSC).
New upcoming online trainings (Winter 2021)
- 25/01/2021
The HPC team is pleased to announce that our next online training sessions on Linux and HPC will be held the 25-26 February 2021. These trainings are in collaboration with the Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum (VSC) and focus on young and/or early stage researchers (Doctoral students, Master thesis students).
2021-winter Online Linux Training Session
- 25/01/2021
We are pleased to announce our next online Linux training session, in collaboration with the Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum (VSC).