Posted in 2023

Organization of Python, Perl and R packages in bundles

The organization of Python, Perl and R packages in Hydra is changing with the introduction of the 2023a toolchains. The base software module for each of these languages now provides a basic installation with the core features of the language plus any tools needed to build and install your own software on top of it. Extra packages are delivered in bundle modules or with their own specific modules.

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Hydra scratch flash storage upgrade on 19 December 2023

The scheduler is again running, jobs are starting again. Unfortunately, we’ve not been able to complete the flash storage upgrade as some necessary hardware components are missing. We’ll announce another upgrade moment once all hardware is available.

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Hydra upgrade 27-28 November finished

Hydra has gained a major system upgrade, a brand new scratch storage, extra compute nodes, and a new GPU cluster for interactive workflows.


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VSC User Survey

The Flemish Supercomputing Centre (VSC) is carrying out a short user survey. Please take some time to participate in it and give your feedback about our services:

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Big upgrade for Hydra on 27-28 November 2023

We are happy to announce a big upgrade to our beloved tier-2 HPC cluster in VUB. On Monday, November 27th 2023 at 03:00 (CET), Hydra will be shut down for 48 hours to apply a major system upgrade, renew the scratch storage and add some extra compute nodes.


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Belgian LUMI user day

Join us in Brussels on November 6th, 2023, starting at 10:00 (CEST), for the Belgian LUMI user day.

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Job scheduler outage in Hydra

On Tuesday, October 10th at around 17:30 (CEST), there was an outage of the Slurm scheduler in Hydra. Please check the output of your jobs carefully if it was in queue or running between October 10th at 17:00 CEST and October 11th at 09:00 CEST.

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31/10/2023: HPC Intro Training Session

We are pleased to announce our next on-site HPC training session, in cooperation with the Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum (VSC).

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30/10/2023: Linux Training Session

We are pleased to announce our next on-site Linux training session, in cooperation with the Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum (VSC).

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24/10/2023: VSC Users Day 2023

We are pleased to announce the VSC Users Day 2023. The theme of the day: how to optimize your workflows for maximum HPC performance. This day is all about you: inspiring talks, lightning talks, and the unique opportunity to meet your fellow VSC HPC users.

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License server upgrade

On Wednesday 23 August 2023 at 09:00 the license server for licensed software in Hydra will be down for upgrades. The operation is expected to take ~30 minutes. Affected software: MATLAB, Gurobi, Mathematica, Q-Chem, QuantumATK.

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Reboot of Hydra login nodes

The login nodes of VUB’s Tier-2 cluster Hydra will be rebooted today (July 26th, 2023) at 22:00 CEST.

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Network outage at VUB main campus

16:30 The network outage in VUB main campus is resolved. Access to both the Hydra HPC cluster and the Pixiu object storage has been reestablished.

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Scheduled maintenance of HPC notebook platform

The notebook platform at will be offline for maintenance on July 4th at 10:00 (CEST). This operation will last 30 minutes and all connections to existing lab sessions will be interrupted.

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Tier-1 Data launch event

On 9 May 12:00-13:30, the VSC is officially opening the Tier-1 Data component infrastructure. Register to participate in the online event:

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New web portal for notebooks on the HPC

All PhD students and staff of VUB can now access our High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure from a web browser. This new interface allows managing and running computational notebooks directly on our Tier-2 cluster (Hydra).


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Legacy software change

On 27 March 2023, we’ve made a change in Hydra impacting only very old software modules.

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Extra Ampere GPUs in Hydra

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of 2 more GPU nodes in Hydra adding 4 new Nvidia A100 GPUs to the cluster. These new nodes are joining the ampere_gpu partition and share the same CPU, memory and GPU configuration with the other nodes in this partition.

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Documentation website refresh

We completed an update of the machinery running this documentation website that brings a refreshed look-and-feel and some quality-of-life improvements.

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New notebook platform pilot

We are very pleased to announce the beginning of the second pilot phase of the Notebook platform of VUB-HPC.

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New command prompt in Hydra

We have updated the default command prompt in Hydra with a more informative and better looking one.


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LUMI user course

On February 14-17 2023, the LUMI HPE Centre of Excellence (HPE CoE), AMD and the LUMI User Support Team organize a general LUMI course.

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