Posted in 2022
Hydra login nodes reboot
- 21/11/2022
On Wednesday 23 November 2022 around 18:00 we’ll reboot the Hydra login nodes.
LUMI user training
- 07/11/2022
On November 23 and 24 2022, HPE Center of Excellence and the LUMI User Support Team organize a hybrid training (Brussels & online) titled “Detailed introduction to the LUMI-C environment and architecture”. Information about the event, agenda, venue, travel and accommodation can be found here:
Data snapshots of the scratch in Hydra
- 02/11/2022
We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of data snapshots for the shared scratch storage of Hydra. Data snapshots save the state of your files and folders in the past, allowing to recover lost data from your account.
Bug fixes for GCC and OpenBLAS
- 24/10/2022
On Monday October 24th 2022 we’ve reinstalled two key components in the foss/2021b and foss/2022a toolchains to fix two important bugs.
2022-fall on-site Linux Training Session
- 21/10/2022
We are pleased to announce our next on-site Linux training session, in cooperation with the Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum (VSC).
2022-fall on-site HPC Training Session
- 21/10/2022
We are pleased to announce our next on-site HPC training session, in cooperation with the Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum (VSC).
VSC Lunch Session on OpenFOAM
- 14/09/2022
On October 4th 2022, VSC is organizing a lunch session on the topic of “CFD meets HPC” (OpenFOAM).
New Globus endpoint for Hydra
- 22/08/2022
We have a new Globus endpoint to access the storage of Hydra:
. The old endpoint has been removed.
Hydra storage down
- 11/08/2022
13:00 The issues with the storage have been solved. Login to Hydra and all other VSC clusters is back to normal. Please check all jobs that were running when the storage issues started for errors, and resubmit if necessary.
More Ampere GPUs in Hydra
- 05/08/2022
We are happy to announce the immediate availability of 2 more GPU nodes in
Hydra adding 4 new Nvidia A100 GPUs to the cluster. These new nodes are
joining the ampere_gpu
partition and share the same CPU, memory and GPU
configuration with the other nodes in this partition.
Job monitoring and checkpoints
- 02/08/2022
We have updated the documentation with new information on job monitoring,
restarting jobs from checkpoints and managing data between VSC_DATA
in your jobs.
External network connection cut
- 30/06/2022
23:00 The issues with the network have been solved and the connection of Hydra to external systems is back to normal.
Scheduled maintenance for Hydra in July
- 28/06/2022
15:00 All maintenance tasks have been completed ahead of time and the cluster is back online. The job queue is resumed and all users can now log in and submit new jobs.

Quota data synchronisation is now working again
- 03/06/2022
Since the move of Hydra to the Pleinlaan campus, the synchronisation of quota usage to the VSC accountpage was not working. We have now been able to fix it.
Slow network connection to external systems
- 25/05/2022
10:00 The issues with the network have been solved and the connection of Hydra to external systems is back to full speed.
VSC Users Day 2022
- 11/05/2022
The annual VSC Users Day is back! After two years of online gatherings, VSC Users Day 2022 will be live in Ghent on June 21st, 2022.
Hydra-VSC network failure
- 05/05/2022
14:30 The firewall has been repaired, and the connections between Hydra and the other VSC clusters are again working.
Irregular low performance of Hydra’s new storage
- 21/04/2022
16:00 We have pinned this issue down to a specific configuration of the
login nodes. Today, April 21st, at 21:00 (CEST) we will apply an urgent fix
to the login nodes that will increase the filesystem perfomance of
back to normal levels. The login nodes will be
rebooted during the process and they will be unavailable for 10 min.
Hydra move to VUB Etterbeek campus completed
- 19/04/2022
We are happy to announce that the move of Hydra to the new data center of VUB in Etterbeek campus is complete. The cluster is now back open to VSC users.

Kickoff of operation to move Hydra into campus
- 09/04/2022
The start of the operation to move the Hydra cluster to VUB Etterbeek campus is upon us. Hydra will be closed to access from Monday, April 11th at 00:00 (CEST). The move is planned to last 1 week. We will continue to be reachable at and we will communicate the progress of the move on this post.

User survey 2022
- 28/03/2022
We have published the results of our yearly user survey, conducted in February 2022. Feedback from users’ experiences in Hydra adds valuable insight into their needs, what works well, and what needs further improvement.

Hydra power cut
- 20/03/2022
We’ve managed to get Hydra back to normal without data loss. The scheduler is running again and the login nodes are open. We’ve requeued all jobs that were running at the time of the power cut.
Hydra moves to VUB Etterbeek campus
- 17/03/2022
Hydra will very soon move from ULB Solbosch campus to the recently upgraded VUB data center on the Etterbeek campus. This change will bring improved power supply, cooling and security measures to our HPC cluster. The move is scheduled in the week of April 11-15.
Multiple software packages updated in Hydra
- 03/03/2022
The HPC team has been hard at work in the past month updating and testing many of the major software packages in Hydra. We invite all users to check these updates which include minor revisions of exiting versions with bug fixes and major new releases:
VUB-HPC user survey 2022
- 01/02/2022
Please take some time (~10 minutes) to fill out the short user survey at
VSC/CÉCI Workshop on Managing Workflows in HPC
- 27/01/2022
On 15 and 16 February, VSC and CÉCI are organizing a free online 2-day workshop on the topic of managing workflows on HPC clusters.
GAMESS-US v2021-R2 available in Hydra
- 27/01/2022
The most recent release of GAMESS-US with version 2021-R2-patch1 is now installed in Hydra.
Survey about trainings
- 17/01/2022
VUB is participating in two big EU projects under the EuroHPC umbrella, the LUMI supercomputer project and the EuroCC project. LUMI will give you access to a new supercomputer infrastructure with large amounts of compute/storage/cloud resources (you will hear more about this soon), while EuroCC aims to foster the use of HPC in its broadest sense.