Rolling system updates#
Warning On Tuesday June 15 at 20:00 the login nodes will be unavailable for 30 minutes.
We are running updates on the nodes which means that the queue time can be slightly longer this week.
We are currently performing updates on Hydra. For the nodes we are doing this in a ‘rolling’ fashion which means a part of the cluster is not available for new jobs.
Since Saturday June 12 we are doing ‘rolling’ updates on Hydra. This means a part of the cluster is not executing new jobs until the node is empty and we can update it. After that it moves on the next part until the entire cluster is done. This is a fully automatic process but it means the queue time can be slightly higher than usual for the coming week.
This process also involves the login nodes, but in this case we will update them on a fixed schedule as we will have to reboot them. The scheduled update of the login nodes is Tuesday June 15 at 20:00 and they will be unavailable for about 30 minutes.