Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)#
- 1. FAQ: Pixiu
- 1.1. What is Pixiu?
- 1.2. Who can use Pixiu?
- 1.3. What are the usage purposes of Pixiu?
- 1.4. How safe is my data on Pixiu?
- 1.5. How secure is Pixiu?
- 1.6. What happens if I lose my access credentials?
- 1.7. Can I access Pixiu from other applications provided by VUB?
- 1.8. Can I directly access Pixiu from anywhere on the globe?
- 1.9. How do I know if I have proper network access to Pixiu?
- 1.10. What is a bucket and how do I get one?
- 1.11. Do I still need to encrypt my data at the user-level?
- 2. FAQ: HPC Basic Usage
- 2.1. How can I connect to Hydra?
- 2.2. Issues connecting to Hydra
- 2.3. How can I simplify my login to the HPC?
- 2.4. What can I do in the login node?
- 2.5. What software is available?
- 2.6. How can I check my disk quota?
- 2.7. How can I check my resource usage?
- 2.8. How can I get more storage?
- 2.9. How can I use GPUs in my jobs?
- 2.10. Can I run containers on Hydra?
- 3. FAQ: Troubleshooting compute jobs
- 3.1. I have exceeded my $HOME disk quota, what now?
- 3.2. I have accidentally deleted some data, how can I restore it?
- 3.3. Why is my job not starting?
- 3.4. How can I monitor the status of my jobs?
- 3.5. Why has my job crashed?
- 3.6. How can I run a job that takes longer than the time limit?
- 3.7. My jobs run slower than expected, what can I do?
- 4. FAQ: Data Transfer on the HPC
- 5. FAQ: Advanced Questions